For this exercise you need an already compressed video or audio only movie.
1. Type text labels for each chapter (hard returns for each chapter)
2. Import into QuickTime Player
3. Export out as "Text to Text"
4. Open text with QT descriptors in Text Editor
5. While keeping movie open and carefully noting the timings (Movie Properties-Movie-Time), edit your text document for timings. Make sure your last time stamp matches the length of the movie
6. Re-Import the edited version into QuickTime. Make sure you have both movies open and Select All-Copy from your text movie. Click on the second movie and with your playhead at the beginning, choose Add from the Edit Menu.
7. Select the new text track (Get Movie Properties-Text Track-Make Chapter) and Set Chapter Track Owner (either audio or video track that plays throughout the movie)
8. Disable the Text Track under the Edit Menu-Disable Tracks
9. Save as Self-Contained