Flash in QuickTime

The ability to use Flash media inside of QuickTime is one of the major advantages to using QuickTime. If you need sharp vector graphics and text as well as scaleable animations, Flash is the tool. What's really cool is that Flash .swfs can still retain the majority if not all of the behaviors and scripting associated with the original version. This makes Flash content interchangeable with other QuickTime movies. In most cases, programs like LiveStage Pro can "rewire" and repurpose Flash content to control media objects within QuickTime.

1. Open the two swf files "flash_prj.swf" and "volume.swf" in the QuickTime Player.

2. Open the movie "QT_NoFlash.mov"

3. Select All and Copy "flash_prj.swf" and Add Scaled to "QT_NoFlash.mov"

4. You may need to change the Graphics Mode to "Straight Alpha" for the Flash Track and also position it more carefully in the movie. Do the same for the swf file "volume.swf"

5. You will discover that even though we have been able to add the swf controllers to the video, they lack any function related to the video they now find themselves in. When you author in Flash, you can add special QuickTime labels (called FSCommands) that will then allow programs like LiveStage to easily re-connect the transport functionality.

6. Now open the movie "QT_Flash_final.mov" This movie has been re-wired with LiveStage Pro. Since the function of the .swf has been restored in this movie, copying the Flash track and adding it to another movie will retain the same controls for Start, Stop, etc..

7. Try Extracting the Flash Track from "QT_Flash_final.mov" and then adding it to the movie "QT_NoFlash.mov". You can even add it to our favorite "HipBot_video.mov" which is in the same folder.

8. For extra practice, extract the Flash controller which is functional in "MyFlash2.mov" and add it to "QT_NoFlash.mov". You will probably have to re-position it at the top to see the Alpha transparency take hold.