View the final version in lesson 11 folder (frameset.htm)
This rather lengthy exercise places a QuickTime movie in the upper left corner that contains an HREFTrack which controls the loading of other QuickTime movies ( and at prescribed times in the lower frame.
Each of these lower frame movies is simply a static page of music. The two movie pages have been embedded in the HTML documents named "score1.htm" and "score2.htm"
What follows is a condensed version of the process for assembling this project:
1. The picture of Bach (jsbach.jpg) and the MIDI file (BachChorale.mid) were combined to form the main movie. This was simply a matter of scaling the picture of Bach for the duration of the MIDI file.
2. Next, a frameset was created which divides a web page into two rows. When you create framesets in HTML, it is very important to remember the NAME attribute given to the frames contained within. These can be targeted for media as we are about to do here.The lower frame is given the name "MusicScore"
3. In a text editor, type out the following.and save as plain text. Name the file "HREFtext.txt"
This text will eventually become the HREFTrack and describe the reference points for loading the movies below:
A<score1.htm> T<MusicScore>
A<score2.htm> T<MusicScore>
This is the structure of an HREF Track before the time stamps have been added. The 'A' indicates that the URL "score1.htm" will be automatically loaded into the target 'T' frame named "MusicScore"
4. Open this text file in the QuickTime Player. Export out with the setting "Text to Text".Name this file "HREFtextDescriptors_raw.txt"
5. Open this file in a text editor and notice the time stamps and descriptors now included.
6. With your movie open in QuickTime, open the Movie Properties window and make sure you are viewing the Time. Arrange your windows so that you can keep your text file with descriptors in view as well.
7. Take note where you need the page flips for the music. Edit the time stamps accordingly.
Your final version should look something like "HREFtextDescriptors_edited.txt" in the lesson 11 folder.
Make sure your final time stamp is the same as the total length of the movie.
8. Open the edited version of your text with time stamps and your Bach movie in QuickTime Player.
9. Select All and Copy the text movie. In the Bach movie, make sure your play head is at the beginning and choose Add from the Edit Menu.
10. In the Movie Properties window, choose the new Text Track 1 and then choose the General info.
Change the name to HREFTrack exactly as written here. Finally, under the Edit Menu, choose Enable Tracks and disable the HREFTrack.
Save as Self-Contained Movie.